Thank you for coming to our frequently asked questions platform. We hope to answer your questions precisely and thoroughly. In addition, if your question still needs to be addressed, we look forward to you contacting us so that we can assist you further.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a form of therapy that focuses on improving specific behaviors using a range of different strategies and techniques that can be used to reduce or replace restrictive and repetitive behaviors.
Connecting Pieces Autism Center is an out-of-pocket tuition-based center. Payments can be made by cash or credit card. Parents and caregivers seeking medical insurance should consult with their insurance provider to inquire about reimbursement for ABA services provided by a BCBA. Typical diagnoses that are covered are autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Down Syndrome (DS), mood disorders, Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and other related disabilities. However, each insurance plan covers different diagnoses; therefore, you must call your medical provider to determine what is covered under your specific plan. If your private insurance provider will reimburse you for ABA services, don't hesitate to contact our clinical director so that the necessary paperwork can be filled out appropriately for your specific insurance provider.
Below are insurances that specify to pay and cover ABA services for children with ASD or any other approved disabilities or will reimburse for ABA services:
No. We are not able to diagnose your child. You must contact your pediatrician, who will refer you to a neurologist or a psychologist who confirms a qualifying diagnosis.
We do not currently have a waiting list. However, each day the enrollments are subject to change based on the age/classroom. Call us for more information and we will be happy to discuss your needs.
CPAC utilizes two different curriculums for our programs. Abeka's curriculum is for our Pre-K, and Frog Street is for Early Intervention. The curriculum motivates, encourages, and prepares students from pre-k to K12. Here at CPAC, we ensure each curriculum level is age-appropriate. Our teachers use the assessments to track our student's progress to ensure they meet their developmental milestones. Based on state and local standards, teachers and parents collaborate to safeguard and support their children's growth and development.
No. Connecting Pieces Autism Center provides center-based services Monday-Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
No. We are not able to diagnose your child. You will need to contact your pediatrician that will referral you to a neurologist or a psychologist that confirms a qualifying diagnosis.
Connecting Pieces Autism Center is an out-of-pocket tuition-based center. Payments can be made by cash, credit card, or check (made out to Connecting Pieces Autism Center). Parents and caregivers seeking medical insurance should consult with their insurance provider to inquire about reimbursement that will cover ABA services provided by a BCBA. Typical diagnoses that are covered are autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Down Syndrome (DS), mood disorders, Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and other related disabilities. However, each insurance plan covers different diagnoses; therefore, you must call your medical provider to determine what is covered under your specific plan. If your private insurance provider will reimburse you for ABA services, don't hesitate to contact our clinical director so that the necessary paperwork can be filled out appropriately for your specific insurance provider.
Below are insurances that specify to pay and cover for ABA services for children with ASD or any other approved disabilities or will reimburse for ABA services:
Parents have the option to pay weekly or monthly. Monthly, the tuition will be due the 1st Friday of each month and, weekly payments are due every Friday.
Early Intervention (18 months- 3-year-old) the tuition rate is $1580 a month based on 4-weeks.
PreK ESE (4-6 years old) the tuition rate is $1380.00 a month based on 4-weeks.
Initial registration fee $200
Annual fee $150.00 non-refundable
NOTE: According to the calendar year, there are months that have 5 weeks. Tuition rates are subject to change.
Yes. Connecting Pieces Autism Center is a preschool. Therefore, we provide lunch and two snacks. Children will need to eat breakfast before they arrive at the center. If any child has a peanut allergy, parents will need to bring their food.
We do not currently have a waiting list. However, each day the enrollments are subject to change based on the age/classroom. Call us for more information and we will be happy to discuss your needs.
CPAC is a preschool that has blended classrooms for ages 18 months- 6 years old.
In most cases, therapists work with patients between 10-30 hours per week. The hours range can vary based on your child’s individual needs.